e-Health Forum
An international event connecting e-health industry leaders, medical professionals and patient and government representatives.
Digital transformation has radically changed many areas of our daily life.
How can we use the opportunity and potential of the digital revolution? How can we execute digital transformation in the area of health? How can health and social care be adapted to new expectations and the capabilities of various groups of patients?
2 Day conference presenting key challenges and key actions in e-health.
Discover best practices and successfully implemented e-health solutions.
Pre-conference workshops, Monday, 17 September 2018 (14.00 – 18.00)
Partners of e-Health Forum have prepared sessions to explore selected key issues of digital transformation for managers and professionals in the area of health.
Main topics of e-Health Forum
Day One
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Strategic challenges in digital transformation
We will conduct the debate with key stakeholders and experts in order to:
- identify best practiced in digital transformation,
- understand the needs, objectives, priorities and limitations of stakeholders,
- recommend solutions,
- build trust and a culture of co-operation in the transformation process.
Day Two
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Patient in the center of digital transformation
Digital transformation is enabled by technology, but it is driven by the need (and/or necessity) to improve user experience.
Digital transformation is an ally and a measure tool for implementation of patient-centered and value-based healthcare.
Day Two
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Digital heath
– new business area
Knowledge-based economy, in which data and algorithms are fundamental assets, has become a fact and this is also true in the domain of health.
- Have we recognized the new economic potential?
- Are we preparing the business environment for new challenges: opportunities and risks?
- Have we got successful leaders?