Dr. Alexander Berler has an MSc in Biomedical Engineering and a PhD in Medical Informatics. He was affiliated with the Electrical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, as a Postgraduate Student and Research Associate in the areas of healthcare information systems interoperability, medical informatics and telemedicine until 1999.
He has worked at Information Society SA, the Greek official governmental information technology project office, as a project director responsible for the large healthcare informatics projects of the Greek government until 2006. He is currently employed as the Director of consulting services department at Gnomon Informatics with an expertise in international projects related to e-health, e-procurement and e-government.
He is an active member of the eHDSI community on the adoption of tools for cross border healthcare across Europe and beyond. He is also acting as the IHE Services Director on behalf of IHE Europe, promoting the use of international standards via the IHE Technical frameworks and Integration profiles.
He is a member of several societies, institutes and organizations (IEEE, ACM, etc,), a member of several IHE Europe Committees and the Chair of HL7 Hellas, the Greek HL7 International Affiliate.
More information available at: http://gr.linkedin.com/in/aberler/